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Ich habe Accounts bei Buy Me A Coffee und Patreon eingerichtet und werde nun dort mehr oder weniger regelmäßig über meine Projekte berichten, übers Schreiben und Zeichnen schwadronieren und mich generell einfach austoben. 🙃 Wer mal reinschauen möchte, ist herzlich eingeladen!  

FEATURED im Oktober 2024

Making it out West is a hardship all on its own. Life is difficult, and good friends are needed far more than can be found. How lucky are those who are able to createtheir small bit of happiness regardless!


Patrick Canahan never wanted much in the way of possessions and desired companionship even less. Still, life has a way of making you take a stand, be that in love or war. He has found love after decades alone, which was a surprise. But love his Edie he does - unreasonably so, some would say – and now he'll be hanged if he allows some smarmy bastard with more stones than sense to ravage his comfortable home life with his misdeeds. Giving chances is all well and good as long as improvement follows.


If not?


Well, then all bets are off because enough is enough. The Arizona desert might not allow for a lavish lifestyle, but it certainly makes for a darn good accomplice in matters of revenge.

This story is about 5800 words long. Perfect for a sit-down and a piece of chaw!